Day 13: Lamoore, CA to Big Sur, CA

Thursday October 23rd, 2014
Total Miles: 193

Quick breakfast at the hotel, fueled up and headed out of town.  We had no idea how severe the drought in CA was until this drive.
Billboards everywhere were talking about the water crisis and if framers have to pay more than food prices will go up and jobs will be lost.


30 minutes down the road Galen and I were in deep discussion about the crops around us that we didn’t realize our excessive speed.  A police officer clocked us at 74mph in a 55 speed limit zone.  Yes, we got pulled over.  The police officer had lots of questions for us.  I think he was more concerned with finding out if we had stolen the bike.  I started asking him about what crops were being grown around us.  Turns out he and his dad farm 250 acres.  I was asking him all about how they grow almonds and pistachios.  He was asking questions about how we grow alpha (out East) and how we grow cranberries.  They get eight cuttings a year of alpha in that part of California.  I was amazed.  Pomegranates had lost so much of their value that farmers didn’t harvest most of this year’s crop.  We could see the fruit was rotting on the trees.
After 30 minutes discussing farming he let us go with a warning.  Turns out this was the best way to get all my questions answered.

After a few hours we arrived at Firestone Walker Brewing Company.  They offer no tours on Thursdays.
We sampled some beer and left.  Firestone Walker had a very corporate feel and I was disappointed that their staff wasn’t very talkative.

Firestone Walker

Barrel House Brewing Company was a whole different story.  Located just blocks away from Firestone Walker, we arrived 30 minutes before the taproom opened  Jason the owner let us in and served us our first beer.
Jason’s background is construction and the place shows it. Very cool building.  Awesome beer, and great conversation.  Fantastic find!

Barrel House Here is their outdoor stage.  They have live music every weekend.

Barrel House Brewery Stage

We headed to Highway 1.  Here is our first glimpse of the Ocean.


We stopped in Cambria at the Brewery.  Aaron the brewmaster served us our beers.  Turns out there was a solar eclipse happening while we were there.  Two other customers had brought special glasses for everyone that was at the brewery and we all got to go outside and see the eclipse.  I just love the people we meet when we stop at Breweries.  At this point you have probably figured out that Galen and I are beer lovers with a riding problem.

We had more miles to put on so we loaded up and headed north on Highway 1.  Just before you arrive in Big Sur there is an Elephant Seal Observation pull off.  I have no idea how they know the Elephant Seals will always be at this spot but apparently they just always are there.  Literately, there are 100’s of them.

Elephant Seals

Elephant Seals

As we continued on Highway 1 we enjoyed beautiful views.  Fog started rolling in off the Ocean and it was incredible.

Fog off the ocean

Galen working his magic to get the best picture.

Galen working his magic

We found our way to Big Sur.  Set up camp at the Big Sur State Park.  $30 per night and no campfires allowed.  Once camp was set up we headed back in to town had dinner and drinks at Big Sur Taphouse.
Met some cool hikers who let us share their table.  It was fun to hear their stories.  Despite the campground being busy we sleep well.

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