12 Goals For 2015

2015 with Goals middle

I will be honest with you, I am not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the whole concept of a fresh new year, and a new beginning, but I think New Year’s Resolutions just set me up for failure.  It is crazy but only 8% of people who make New Year’s Resolutions actually achieve them.

I am a big fan of goal setting.  Goal setting is much different than New Year’s resolutions.  It breaks down big dreams into bite sized tasks.  I have found goals work best for me when they are specific, measurable, and have a deadline.

When I owned a gift shop I set a yearly sales goal.  I broke that number down to monthly and weekly sales goals.  From there I could figure our daily sales goal and posted it so all staff members could be on the same page.  No reason we can’t take that same concept and apply it to our personal life.  I have decided to breakdown my personal goals into categories.

I learned from my good friend Bob Negen:

If it ain’t written, it ain’t real!”

So I have taken some time and typed out my goals.

My 12 Goals for 2015


  •   Work out 2 times per week, work up to 3 times per week by April
  •    Drink more water (60oz a day)

be active








  • Read at least 12 books this year
  • Keep a Gratitude Journal (make two entries per day)










  • Build a stronger relationship with my hubby
  • Connect with my core friends once a month

Galen and Cranberrycarrie Engagement photo









  • Cut food budget by $200 a month, put savings toward paying off our mortgage early
  • Pay off mortgage by 2020
  • Put 15% of our income into savings

Mortagage paid in Full!





Career (My New Blog Cranberrycarrie.com)

  • Write 75 meaningful blog posts this year
  • Learn to take better photos
  • Facebook likes: 2500 (need 209 a month)
  • Email List: 1500 (need 125 a month)

 schultz photo school







That is it!  I will say this is the first time I have ever shared my goals publicly.  To you these goals may seem a little basic.  I needed to be realistic about where I am today and just start with some small changes.  I want to live with more intention and I feel these goals will be a good start to achieve that larger dream.  It is time for me to stop coasting through life.  How about you?

What are your goals for 2015?

I would love to hear from you.  I invite you to list your goals in the comments below.  Here is to making 2015 our best year yet!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “12 Goals For 2015

  1. In October my gall bladder started acting up big-time! Conferring with my Doctor, I knew I had several gall stones, but he said I could live with them if they didn’t get any bigger or cause any problems. But, that wasn’t the case. November 10th, I had pain that I couldn’t stand and called an ambulance. They took me to St. Clare in Baraboo. After doing tests and a MRI I was transferred to Meriter in Madison. Lots of tests were done and I met with gastro doctors that all agreed that my Gall bladder needed to come out. Problem: I was too heavy and too fat. Meriter is now connected with UW Health Systems. An appointment was made with a Gastro/Bariatric specialist that prescribes a plan. Lose weight. I started at 253 lbs. Today, 1/05/2015 I am at 234 lbs. I am excited! I feel good and look forward to having my gall bladder removed! Both my wife and I have decided that we need to change how we eat and our diet. By the way, my wife also went on the diet and has lost a substantial amount of weight also! Well, it’s time for another shake! 4 a day and one nutritional bar. 2 dill pickles a day, 1 bullion soup and as much jello I can stomach! None of my clothes fit they way they used to, but I think it will be worth a new wardrobe when I reach 200 lbs or less. I have a Aeroglide bicycle in my room, after I blew the dust off, I cycle 2-3 times a week, maybe more later. Pray for me. I need all the help from others and God. Jay