My 12 Goals for 2015: January’s Update

My 12 Goals in 2015

January overall was a good month.  By setting fewer goals, I feel  focused, and I am seeing some positive impact on a couple areas of my life.

Here is my progress in January:

My 12 Goals for 2015


  • Work out 2 times per week, work up to 3 times per week by April
        • Worked out 6 times, plus one full day snowmobiling, and one afternoon of burning brush.  Still have a ways to go with this goal.
  • Drink more water (60oz a day)
        • This has been an adjustment.  Most days I am getting 40 oz.  15 days out of the month I consumed 60 oz.



  • Build a stronger relationship with my Hubby
        • Spent one overnight with Galen in Northern Wisconsin.  Put 150 miles on the snowmobiles. 
        • Had one date day where we went to see the movie “American Sniper”.
        • I prepared 16 quality dinners that we enjoyed together.
  • Be a Better Friend
        • Spent quality time with 12 people who have made a difference in my life.
        • Texted or spoke on the phone with 6 friends who live out of State.


  • Put 15% of our income into savings
        • Just shy of 18% Woot, Woot!
  • Cut food budget by $200 a month, put savings toward paying off our mortgage early
        • Compared to January of 2014 we saved $327.76 in food costs.

Career (My New Blog

  • Write 75 meaningful blog posts this year
        • Wrote 2 meaningful posts
        • Wrote 2 gear reviews
  • Learn to take better photos
  • Facebook likes: 2500 (209 a month)
  • Email List: 1500 (125 a month)
        • 23 emails

How are you doing on YOUR goals for 2015?

If you set goals for this year I would love to hear how January went for you.  Post your comments on my Facebook page.  Here is to making 2015 our best year yet!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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